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Card Readers

The CEM range of intelligent card readers are the most advanced in the industry and are designed for use with the powerful AC2000 access control and security management system.With features including card reader/controller functionality in one, an LCD display for reader messages and an internal database for 24/7 offline operation at the secure door, CEM’s range of multi-technology card readers provide high levels of reliability and distributed intelligence within your security system. CEM also supports the use of third party readers on the AC2000 security management system.

Intelligent Readers

CEM consistently leads the industry in the development of its Intelligent IP card readers: Industry firsts include Portable hand-held card readers, Ethernet based IP card readers, Fully integrated biometric readers and Intelligent card readers with internal database.


Biometric Readers

CEM fingerprint card readers provide a fully integrated biometric and access control solution. Fingerprint templates are captured via the AC2000 software at the same time cardholder details are enrolled. CEM biometric readers include the revolutionary emerald TS300f fingerprint touch screen terminal and the S610f fingerprint reader.


Portable Readers

CEM was the first in the industry to develop a portable access control reader. The S3050 is a lightweight hand-held portable card reader that can be used for ID card validation at temporary entrances or remote sites which have no power. It can also be used as a mobile device for random checks within pre-defined zones.



CEM AC2000 integrates with a range of wireless and off line locks, to provide a comprehensive access control solution to meet any requirements.


Card technology

AC2000 access control works with a range of card technologies to ensure your security requirements are fully met.


OEM Multi-technology Card Readers

Multi-Technology Readers provide the ability to read multiple smart card technologies and most of the common proximity cards simultaneously. CEM Systems can support and supply a range of third party solutions that are compatible with AC2000.
