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Commend GE Series Intercom Servers

C•CURE 9000 integrates with the GE Series intercom servers (GE100 / GE200 / GE300 / GE700 / GE800) that are used to control a wide range of intercom terminals and control desk systems. These systems supply networking for speech, image, and data combined in a uniform digital system.

  • * Integrates seamlessly with C•CURE 9000 to provide dedicated voice communication throughout a facility
  • * Monitor and send intercom commands that identify calls placed in the Commend intercom network
  • * Connect to Commend intercom substations and display states, send calls, receive calls, etc.
  • * View each Commend intercom substation and state from interactive C•CURE 9000 maps
  • * Transmit intercom-only commands over the network for synergistic operation with existing Commend intercom systems