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Morse Watchmans' KeyWatcher Touch

Morse Watchmans' KeyWatcher Touch key and asset management system integrates with C•CURE 9000 to help users manage personnel, credentials, and assets more effectively and efficiently. Whether working from the C•CURE 9000 Administration Station or the KeyWatcher Touch, administrators can streamline the process of securing, controlling and monitoring keys and other assets for their facility. Integrate now to help deepen your security infrastructure while reducing costs at your site.

  • * Add, modify, and delete personnel from your KeyWatcher Touch
  • * Link changes in personnel badge data to the appropriate KeyWatcher user
  • * Assign KeyWatcher users to KeyWatcher sites according to their C•CURE 9000 clearances
  • * Associate KeyWatcher site profiles with C•CURE 9000 clearances
  • * Transmit KeyWatcher TrueTouch alarms and events via C•CURE 9000 alarms
  • * Configure card format used with C•CURE 9000 to pass badge data to the KeyWatcher True Touch Server
  • * Assigned Time Restriction to groups in profiles based on C•CURE 9000 schedules
  • * Prevent users from leaving an area when specified assets are held
  • * Enable access to specific areas when the user is holding a specified asset